The Challenges
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Always bring your buddy! The Buddy 50 from Genuine Scooter Company was Sportique’s best seller in ’06, ’07 & ’08! This lightweight yet powerful retro scooter features a snappy and reliable air cooled, oil injected two-stroke 49 cc engine. It has ample seating for 2, a very low seat height, a handy change tray and a spacious underseat storage cell. The Buddy rides on ten inch wheels for quick handling, making it perfect in the city. Genuine Scooter offers a wide range of accessories for the Buddy 50. It’s easy to make this Buddy your Buddy. Includes Genuine’s exclusive 24 month warranty and 12 month roadside assistance.

Project Information

Emergency pick-up service available 24 / 7. Please call us+84 1234 588 888